Of the four domus de Janas that make up the famous pre-Nuragic burial ground in the north-west of Sardinia, this is the richest and most intact: its name says it all S'Incantu - necropolis of Mount Siseri | SardegnaTurismo - Sito ufficiale del turismo della Regione Sardegna Street map. Children & extra beds There are no extra beds provided in a room. The use of the domus de janas continued for a long time (Tanda 2015a: 80-84). Make the reservation through the calendar at the top right. The type described here is divided into a hierarchical scheme organized according to Class, Type, Subtype, Variety. This site includes a fortified horseshoe-shaped enclosure, 3.45 m high on average with a thickness ranging from 4.15 m (south) 6.50 m, with a walkway; a mighty wall with a single access, 97 m long, 3.75 m wide, 1.45/3 m high, which encloses and defends a village of rectangular huts, sometimes with apses and with several rooms. The publication of the Tentative Lists does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the World Heritage Centre or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries. The line-ups were probably gathering centers where cultic ceremonies were then officiated. Domus de janas date back to the fifth millennium B.C., but the tomb type continued to be excavated even in the Copper Age, sometimes incorporating the influences of megalithism and, in particular, of the tombs called allèes couvertes (types 6 and 7: Tanda 2015 to: 111-112). No other wall achieves the structural complexity, functional articulation, and grandeur of Monte Baranta. Escursió a: Monte Torru i S'Incantu. The dolmenic constructions of Sardinia reveal clear influences of western megalithism (the dolmen constructions had a western origin: France Spain and Portugal), which developed in Sardinia between the 5th and 3rd millennium B.C., reinterpreted and adapted to Sardinian ecosystems and to the needs of the island communities. Riportare una violazione delle politiche. Lancia una petizione. Similarly, the funerary circles of Li Muri, dating back to the end of the fifth millennium B.C. Antichi Misteri. domus de janas Come raggiungere la tomba dell'architettura dipinta Regione - Sardegna (ITA), Provincia - Sassari, Comune - Putifigari (SS), Località - Monte Siseri, Regione storica - Logudoro, Posizione GPS Lat-Lon - 40.6066302, 8.4299308 The third, most northerly area consists of Marghine and the Barbagia di Belvì; an area between the former and the latter is the Usellus region, characterized by elements that recall the Sarcidanese and the Mandrolisai-Barigadu types. La domus de janas "S'Incantu" è conosciuta come la "tomba dell'architettura dipinta", considerata la regina delle domus della Sardegna per la sua bellezza e simmetria, infatti il suo interno è costituito dalla perfetta riproduzione nella roccia di una capanna Neolitica(5000 anni fa) costituita da un tetto a doppia falda, da maestose colonne e . On the sides, two decorated, raised doors give access to the chambers used for laying the dead, an act of symbolic return of the bodies to the Mother Goddess. The sole responsibility for the content of each Tentative List lies with the State Party concerned. Tra le quattro domus de janas di cui è costituita, spicca quella conosciuta come "de s'incantu", dell'incanto, è una delle più spettacolari di tutta la Sardegna grazie alle decorazioni presenti. Being scattered across most of the region, they are an expression of Sardinian identity in its landscape (Contu 2000). È nota come s'Incantu, l'incanto: mai nome fu più azzeccato per una meraviglia risalente a cinquemila anni fa, la più spettacolare . It is a truncated pyramidal altar with a climbing ramp, near which a menhir and a statue-menhir were erected (the latter in its original form is showcased in the "G. A. Sanna" Archaeological Museum in Sassari); the complex also has a settlement of huts yet to be fully explored, possibly dating back to the Neolithic and the Copper Age. There are 8 planimetric types; as said before, types 6 to 8 are influenced by megalithism. With regard to the latter, it can be observed that domus de janas Type 8, characterized by the presence of a megalithic atrium, is documented in as many as 25 hypogea, of which two with signs of art. Inside the tomb, to the left of the entrance, there is a niche carved into the wall, a probable place to lay the funerary equipment and offerings. The nominated monuments and monumental ecomplexes represent an exceptional material documentation of the cultural peculiarities of the Prehistory of Sardinia, an island located in the center of the western Mediterranean basin, a crossroads of peoples and cultures. Domu de janas of S'Ena Frisca 1.9 km; Domus de janas of Monte Siseri or S'Incantu 2.9 km; Domus de janas of Matteatu 4.6 km; Domu de janas of Calvia 5.3 km; Domus de janas of Anghelu Ruju 6.6 km; Domu de janas of Scala Piccada 10 km; Domus de janas of Orune 14 km; Domu de janas of Tanca dell'Oliveto II 15 km; Domus de janas of Li Lioni 21 km . In Monte Arci, in Sardinia, there are extensive deposits and workshops for processing this material, traded across the whole Mediterranean. The movable artifacts are host in local museums, where they are effectively protected and vallorized: the National Museum of Sassari (National Museum "Giovanni Antonio Sanna"), the Archaeological Museum of Cagliari (National Archaeological Museum), the National Museum of Nuoro (National Museum "Giorgio Asproni") and the community museums of Alghero, Cabras, Ozieri, Santadi, and Sedilo are worthy of mention. with caves excavated from scratch (rather than being re-adapted) imitating the stelae of the tombs of giants (the typical tomb structures of the following Nuragic age) on the façade This is a sign both of the strong hypogea tradition and the cultural change that took place with the advent of the Nuragic civilization, as well as of the passage from a hypogea funerary ideology to gallery tomb types typical of the Nuragic age (tombe dei giganti). The rooms are smooth, devoid of ornamentation: there is a stark contrast between their simplicity and the decoration of the main chamber. The largest 'domus de janas' is the Necropolis of Anghelu Ruju, in Alghero with funeral caves decorated with a light coat of red paint and stylized bull's heads, which are symbols of male fertility that represent the continuity of life. In only one tomb, plastic strips were found. The integrated cultural character of the site of Goni is also evident, where the pastoral group of external origin available in this area and also in Arzachena, is counterposed - or better juxtaposed - by the group of farmers represented by the people of Ozieri culture ( IV millennium B.C. 12 Nov 2016. Sardegna Italia. link. The tomb morphologies of the domus de janas therefore represent not only a typical expression of Sardinian prehistoric hypogeism, but also a tangible representation of the interactions and exchanges that occurred in the relationship both with European social groups characterized by the presence of funerary hypogea and with the contemporary communities carrying megalithism, settled along the shores and in the islands of the Mediterranean and on the European continent. The result of these evolutionary processes, are the specificities that characterize the monumental representations of the pre-Nuragic cultural system, enriching them with identity values. It differs from them from three different standpoints: 1) the high number of tombs with a large number of rooms, up to 23. Hypogeism, in particular, appears very early in Sardinia and offers original solutions, such as the domus de janas, the characteristic funerary hypogea, often richly decorated, which are hardly paralleled outside the island and for which an indigenous origin is also considered. Protomi Taurine. Underground structures are made using stone tools often made of volcanic stone and always characterized by hardness, according to a well-articulated theoretical system, consisting of successive and consequent operations or "Operating chains": the "Operating chain of excavation tools" and “Operational chain of the excavation of the domus de janas” (Tanda 2015 a). On the back wall, a type XIII horn-shaped motif appears. La Domus de Janas S'incantu è una grotticella funeraria scavata nella roccia tra 3200 e il 2600 a.C. decorata con motivi realizzati a scultura, incisione e pittura con rappresentazioni simboliche di potente valenza rituale e propiziatoria, con astrazioni concettuali di indubbio significato magico-religioso legate al culto della Dea. Therefore, they are structures built on strategic points, with functions of territorial exploitation and, at the same time, control, and defense, presumably from probable internal enemies and from the threats of external groups perhaps linked to metallurgy. Among these complexes, the most important and best known is that of Monte Baranta in Olmedo (Moravetti 2004). Discovery of The domus de janas, therefore, are an important and significant part of Sardinian archaeological heritage, essential for the reconstruction not only of funerary ideology, but also the housing structures between the fifth and third millennium B.C. S'Incantu a Putifigari, ecco la domus de janas più bella della Sardegna! With regard to integrity, the series includes all the elements necessary to reprent the oustanding universal value of the nominated property; indeed, the most representative and best-preserved monuments and monumental complexes of the various architectural types that characterize the pre-Nuragic period from the 5th to the 3rd millennium B.C. Appuntamento ore 15 ingresso di Putifigari, il punto vi verrà comunicato tramite watshapp in caso di adesione. It can be said that the domus de janas and the other megalithic testimonies of the pre-Nuragic and Nuragic age are the historical memory of Sardinia for the invocation of magical events that still remain today in the cultural tradition of the island, so much so as to evoke, in several cases, the genius loci of many areas. Among the tombs, there are menhirs and remains of megalithic structures. Precisamente, la costruzione di S'Incantu (nonché delle altre tre tombe, denominate II, III e Domus de Janas Badde 'e Janas) viene collocata, sulla base dei reperti archeologici rinvenuti, in un arco temporale compreso tra i 3.200 ed i 2.600 anni a.C., a cavallo tra il Neolitico e l'Eneolitico.S'Incantu è l'unica visitabile delle quattro tombe della necropoli, ma da sola vale l . Una raccolta di itinerari archeologici della provincia di Sassari. The panel closing the compartment on the back is missing. These "cultures" are named from the place where they were originally found: The reconstruction of the different functions of the investigated cultural contexts (civil, funerary, and magical-religious) is the result of the in-depth and integrated analysis of the archaeological finds and archaeological sites: caves, natural shelters, monuments, and monumental complexes. Il nome non lasciava dubbi sulla bellezza di questo luogo. An example of this is Tomb IV of Brodu-Oniferi. © UNESCO World Heritage Centre 1992-2021 Paesaggio. The monument is still being excavated. Antica Civiltà Sarda. with the smartphone. Caserma dei Carabinieri di Putifigari map. Due to their quality and the value of the artistic expression showcased in them, those tombs are part of the historical, cultural, and artistic heritage of the highest value, almost unique in the world, with only one similar type in Malta, the prehistoric hypogeum of Hal Saflieni, a monument included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 640BADDE DE JANAS ( Prov . di Sassari ) È stata recentemente scoperta e rilevata una nuova domus de janas con riproduzione del soffitto a doppia falda e con tracce di pittura , in località Badde de Janas , a breve distanza dalla nota tomba ... The most representative monuments of the period all fall within the framework of the great phenomena of hypogeism and megalithism that characterized both the Mediterranean basin and continental Europe in prehistoric times. La scoperta della meravigliosa Domus de Janas di S'Incantu a Putifigari, raccontata dal suo scopritore, l'archeologo per caso Sebastiano Porcu, nella. The jambs end in batten-like bases that are distinct from the floor, a novelty in contemporary funerary art. Many monuments have already been the subject of stratigraphic excavations, which have returned numerous finds of various kinds (ceramic, lithic, metal, biological), whose analysis has allowed us to reconstruct the daily life and uses of prehistoric communities. inlands and small villages, Wear mask when the The second is yet to be explored archaeologically. This hypogeum is a synthesis of figurative motifs. In this regard, note the Park of the petroglyphs-Cheremule, with the Branca Tomb; the Necropolis of Montessu-Villaperuccio, with tomb II; the necropolis of the tomb of the labyrinth in Benetutti and the tomb of Corongiu in Pimentel. Art and Architecture in the Prehistory of Sardinia. Search and compare hotels near Domus de janas di Monte Siseri I o di S'Incantu with Skyscanner hotels. Check-in from 12:30-21:00FREE Check-out from 08:00-11:00FREE. For the associated presence in the same hypogeum of several decorative-cultic patterns and documentary elements of the living quarters, as well as for the refinement of the architecture, we can mention the Sa Pala Larga VII domus de janas in the necropolis of Bonorva, Monte Siseri, or S 'Incantu in Putifigari, Mandra Antine III in Thiesi, Mesu' and Montes II in Ossi, Sos Furrighesos VI in Anela, all of them being works of exceptional artistic value. You will receive confirmation within 24 hours, No amount is withdrawn if the activity is not available, No need to print the confirmation, it is sufficient to show the voucher Simple spiral motifs or segments are painted in the spaces bordered by the joists. The representations having the character of decorative-cultic motifs are linked to this ritual. The single position is in fact interpreted as the protection of another monument, for example a burial, while the multiple or aligned position can identify an area where rituals related to the cult of the menhirs themselves were celebrated and officiated. Putifigari - La Regina delle Domus De Janas: S'Incantu (Neolitico finale 3200-2800 A.C.) di pierafarina | postato in: Senza categoria | 0. (con la scritta Domus de Janas- vedi foto). This obsessive presence, which can be felt everywhere in the tomb, expresses devotion to the god Taurus (or fertility), the foundation of pre-Nuragic religion. On the flat ceiling, the double slope created on the transverse axis is spared. Video de S'Incantu a Putifigari, la domus de janas più bella della Sardegna: l'emozione … Random Posts Its ceiling, more than two metres high, borders on perfection: it reproduces, in relief, the wooden structure of a pitched roof. In the same fortified complex, there is also a sacred area consisting of a circle and menhirs. The Domus de Janas "S'Incantu" is also called the "painted tomb" and it is considered the queen of the domus de Janas because of its beauty and symmetry: its B'at de agiùnghere chi, si inghiriamus in sos giassos de Sardigna, agatamus . S'Incantu, unearthed in 1989, can be dated to between the Recent Neolithic and the Chalcolithic (3200-2600 BC) and was reused until Roman times. Ti piace il Pullover Aham Brahmasmi ? Un piccolo trekking alla scoperta di un monumento straordinario in Sardegna. The domus de janas represent an important and significant evidence of the Sardinian archaeological heritage, indispensable for the reconstruction of the prehistoric funerary ideology, but also for the reconstruction of the lost Neolithic housing structures, evoked and sometimes precisely reproduced in the typical funerary architecture and its decorations. The caisson construction technique is of Western origin; the model reminds the Mesopotamian ziqqurat. La tomba I consta anch'essa di 12 vani, con il lato di ingresso e quello di fondo interamente circondati da una cornice che risparmia due pannelli rettangolari ribassati. Domus De Janas. Being a unique monument in Sardinia and in the Mediterranean basin, the altar of Monte D'Accoddi, partially rebuilt in the years 1986 and 1989, appears as the fulcrum of the cultural system of central-northern Sardinia - and perhaps the entire island - around which several villages and four domus de janas necropolises developed: the homonymic necropolis with 4 hypogea, the necropolis of Ponte Secco with 6 tombs, Sant'Ambrogio with 4 tombs, Su Crucifissu Mannu with 22 tombs, Li Lioni with 4 tombs and, a few kilometers away, Li Curuneddi with 6 tombs, Calancoi with 6 tombs, and Montalè with 6 tombs, the dolmen and the menhir of Fradres Muros. The truncated pyramidal altars with the climbing ramp of Monte d 'Accoddi, in the province of Sassari, attributed to the Cultures of Filigosa and Abealzu, currently is a unique testimony not only in Italy but also in the Mediterranean and in the European continent. Prehistory is the age of human history before the invention of writing; therefore, archaeological data are the only source of information to reconstruct human habits at that time. Type II is attested in the cited Anghelu Ruju-Alghero necropolis, precisely in Tomb A with 8 specimens and also in other 10 domus de janas for a total of 48 figures. La domus de janas "S'Incantu" è conosciuta come la "tomba dell'architettura dipinta", considerata la regina delle domus della Sardegna per la sua bellezza e simmetria, infatti il suo interno è costituito dalla perfetta riproduzione nella roccia di una capanna Neolitica(5000 anni fa) costituita da un tetto a doppia falda, da maestose colonne e . The tombs of giants, the Domus de Janas, the nuraghes and Phoenician-Punic ruins in the inland of Villasimius make for a magical itinerary. The domus de janas of Monte Siseri, or S'Incantu-Putifigari is part of a small necropolis, where sculpture and polychrome painting are associated. The hypogea phenomenon continued also in the Early Bronze Age (1800-1600, Tanda 1998: 51-520 B.C.) Un piacevole trekking che vi porterà alla scoperta della fantastica domus de jana nota come S'Incantu, in territorio di Putifigari. Un monumentale lavoro in due volumi di un grande studioso della Sardegna. Domus de Janas, буквально: «будинок відьом» або «будинок фей») — тип доісторичної камерної гробниці, що існував в стародавньому Середземномор'ї, в основному на Сардинії, звідки і походить назва. The double sloping roof is carved in the anteroom and in the main cell. In the compartment on the left you will see a small elliptical niche. Evidence of the cultural sphere is also the megalithic circles (see below), including Li Muri-Arzachena and those at the Archaeological Park of Pranu-Mutteddu and the menhirs, when aligned or, in any case, gathered in a way such as a Biru'e Concas in Sorgono and Sos Settiles in Oniferi (see below). Il contenuto di Google Maps non è mostrato a causa delle attuali impostazioni dei tuoi cookie. Luoghi incredibilmente antichi, costruiti con una cura unica e una vera e propria maniacalità per i dettagli. Domus de Janas dS'Incantu is een van de meest indrukwekkende archeologische vindplaatsen in Sardinië. The Residence option is perfect for those who want to be free from commitments and constraints, being able to make use of the apartment's kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom linen (changed weekly) and enjoy . S'Iscia 'e sas Piras [Necropolis 3 Domus de Janas(rock carved tombs)] Usini NW Sardinia ISC001 _male _2300-2100BC _Bonnanaro A _tomb2 _Yhg I2a1b1 _mtDNA T2b3 Serra Crabiles [Necropolis 4 Domus de Janas(rock carved tombs)] Sennori NW Sardinia SEC001 _male _2450-2200BC _Monte Claro _tomb3 _Yhg G2a2a1a2a1a _mtDNA J2b1a It therefore seems that the bell-shaped peoples who arrived in Sardinia, perfectly merged with the communities of Monte Claro. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 126THE DOMUS DE JANAS NECROPOLIS OF ISTERRIDORZU IN SORRADILE (. Fig . 5. Domus de janas “ S'Incantu ” ( Putifigari ) , representation of the ceiling and double slopes . Fig . 2. Sorradile , Isterridorzu . Domus I ,. |Antoine de Saint-Exupéry|. The decorated slabs of Sa Perda Pinta in Boeli-Mamoiada and that of Monte Paza-Sedilo appear scientifically relevant. The domus de janas of Monte Siseri, or S’Incantu-Putifigari is part of a small necropolis, where sculpture and polychrome painting are associated. Visualizza altre idee su sardegna, sardegna italia, cultura. Clicca su questa immagine. Sardegna. Una di queste Domus de Janas ha un nome che corrisponde a verità: S'Incantu (L'Incanto, nota anche come Tomba dell'Architettura Dipinta), ipogeo appartenente alla Necropoli di Monte Siseri, in territorio di Putifigari. 26-ott-2021 - Esplora la bacheca "Sardegna, storia e cultura" di Ignazio su Pinterest. In the first part of our guided visit we can admire the domus de Janas "S'Incantu" (in sardinian language means "magic") in the area of Putifigari, in northern west L'un à 5,5 km au nord-nord-ouest du bourg de Putifigari, et l'autre à environ 3 km à l . Alongside the menhir statues, variously decorated slabs, boulders, and rocks, must be taken into consideration, a total of 18, found above all in central Sardinia. These monumental complexes all have the same characteristics: 1) the location on spurs or high locations, with cliffs; 2) the presence of a wall that integrates the natural defenses offered by the cliff; 3) control of communication routes; 4) the dominion of a vast surrounding territory, fertile and rich in water. Il numero dei partecipanti sarà limitato e durante le soste . Cannellao • 18 Pin. Janas-Lab - che ha la sua "casa" a Sorradile (OR), nell'antica regione del Barigadu, tra la necropoli di Pruneddu e il complesso nuragico de Su Monte - è finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna attraverso il Bando CultureLab - POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020 - Azione 3.7.1 CultureLAB2018, e sostenuto dalla . In the first case, it develops longitudinally; in the second, transversally. The Domus de Janas "S'Incantu" is also called the "painted tomb" and it is considered the queen of the domus de Janas because of its beauty and symmetry: its interior is cararcterised by a double sloping roof dug in rock, with majestic columns and many symbols carved in trachyte, symbols associated with a prehistoric cult. Si lambisce appena il paese e si prosegue sulla stessa strada sino all'incrocio a sinistra con la SP 12, che porta direttamente a Putifigari. Tratto dall'introduzione al "Dizionario della Lingua Etrusca" di Massimo Pittau A partire dal Neolitico recente fino all'Età del Bronzo antico (4400-2000 a.C.) queste strutture contraddistinguevano tutte le zone dell'isola, ad eccezione della Gallura. E' sempre accessibile, gratis. Domus de janas are evidence of hypogeism, a phenomenon found in the Mediterranean basin and also in Europe. Janas s'incantu, edito dalla casa editrice Alfa Editrice, è un libro dedicato ai bambini ma godibile anche per gli adulti. Il territorio di Putifigari è caratterizzato da rocce, quali rioliti e ignimbriti, formatesi circa 30 milioni di anni fa. Although very frequent in the Campidano plains (Atzeni 2007 a and b, Atzori 1987), there is poor archaeological evidence of these villages as they were made of perishable materials. Putifigari: Domus de Janas S'Incantu (Neolitico Finale 3200-2800 a.C.) Putifigari: Ipogeo di "Badde Janas" Romana: Domus De Janas Monte Airadu; Sardara: Pozzo Sacro Nuragico di Santa Anastasia (Tra Preistoria E Leggenda) Sardegna: Isola delle meraviglie; Sardegna: Le Divinità Nuragiche (Tra Preistoria E Leggenda) The two strands manifest themselves in Sardinia with a great amount of evidence, but with different aspects and sometimes distribution; if the underground funerary structures, the so-called domus de janas, are mainly scattered in the central-northern and central-western part of the island, the megalithic ones (menhirs, dolmens, circles, allée couvertes) are more common in the inland areas and along the eastern belt. Address. According to the theoretical and methodological criteria, which the Italian school of restoration is based on, nowadays the removal of the above-mentioned parts in the Eighties’ intervention would not be permitted, even if not all scholars agree on the reconstructive hypothesis of the time. invoiced. The motifs carved using a hammer belong to the five categories and are compared to representations made with the same technique on the island, within caves (Cala Gonone, Dorgali) and natural ravines (Riparo Frattale, Oliena), in open-air rocks (Alghero, Orrì -Tortoli) on decorated slabs and boulders (Boeli Mamoiada, Monte Paza, Sedilo: Tanda 2012). Al bivio, però, si procede . Huts for "extended families"? Type XIV is documented in the Istevene necropolis, in Mamoiada. In most cases, however, given the artistic character that distinguishes them, the menhir statues have been museumized. Na een 20 minuten rijden van Alghero bereiken we de necropolis van Monte Siseri in de gemeente Putifigari. Leonardo Tomer ci accompagna attraverso i luoghi incantati di Jordin, abitati da creature leggendarie, dove spesso i personaggi si troveranno coinvolti in duelli estremi. They are trilithic structures, composed of vertical stones stuck in the ground and a large covering slab to form a more or less regular rectangular-shaped funerary room. In particular, the megalithic "walls" anticipate, in the technique of execution and in the location on high and particularly naturally defended places, the preferential position of the nuraghi, the typical architectures of the protohistory of Sardinia. The Mediterranean and continental connections are also perceived in some symbols engraved on the walls of the funerary hypogea, similar to those of Val Camonica, Monte Bego, and the Iberian Peninsula, or in painted patterns similar to those of Olmeta du Cap-Corsica and the ravines of the Iberian Peninsula. Domus Sanaj S'Incantu, Sardegna, VS Tomba degli Scudi, Etruria. Vuole raccontare ai più piccoli chi siano le Janas attraverso una storia di fantasia ispirata alle leggende e ai racconti della tradizione orale della Sardegna. Nel deattaglio è stata sfondata un'altra falsa porta, esattamente come qualche mese fa a Carbonia. On the outside of the underground tomb, along the rock face, there are cup-marks, basins and channels that prevented rainwater from entering the tomb. In the religious field, the only known monumental structure, of a specific religious nature, is the monumental complex of Monte D'Accoddi, presumably built during the recent Neolithic and then renovated in Copper Age, during Filigosa and Abealzu cultures, and reused up to the Ancient Bronze Age (Bonnannaro culture). The distinctive monuments of the two strands are differently widespread on the island. In addition to the 186 menhirs mentioned above, the numerous non-recomposed fragments found at different sites must be added (Cicilloni 2008, 2019, 2020). The domus de janas, decorated or not, reveal an in-depth knowledge of how to dig various types of rocks and execute the decorations, as well as extraordinary expertise, the result of millennia of local craftsmanship. Be amazed by the architectural harmony and accuracy, sculptural skill, rich decoration and variety of colours: this is the most spectacular domus de Janas on the island! is part of the Tentative list of Italy in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List. Domus de janas di Badde de Janas map. The clubs are located in Li Muri, in Arzachena (Puglisi 1964, Guilaine 2011, Antona 2003), and in Pranu Mutteddu in Goni (Atzeni, Cocco 1987) and in other areas of the island.

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